The project was extensive, involving a complete overhaul of the furnace to extend its life and improve its safety, efficiency, and productivity. Our team of experts worked closely with the client to develop a detailed scope of work, which included the following:
Demolition of the existing furnace sidewall and skews according to specifications.
Removal, replacement, and refurbishing of auxiliary furnace equipment, as required to complete the furnace rebuild.
Possible removal of hearth and repair of shell section.
Dimensional verification by surveyor.
Installation of a new hearth.
Reinstallation of new sidewall refractories and copper coolers and tap blocks from hearth-skew interface to bricking ring according to specifications.
Possible small repairs to the off-gas uptake and spray cooler and roof.
Additional small structural/refractory repairs to walkways, stairways, platforms, and other structures, including gunniting and casting, if required.
Building of the start-up delta steel box as per client's requirements.

Our team of experts carried out the rebuild, including the installation and integration of new components and systems. We also provided comprehensive testing and commissioning to ensure that the furnace was operating at peak performance.

We are proud to have successfully completed the furnace rebuild for one of the world's leading platinum producers, and to have helped extend the life of the furnace while improving its safety, efficiency, and productivity.

At DGC, we are committed to providing turnkey solutions to extend the life of industrial furnaces while improving safety, efficiency, and productivity. If you have any questions about our turnkey furnace rebuild services or would like to learn more about our expertise in furnace technology, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Trevor Dickinson

Ask a DGC consultant to find out more about our Furnace Rebuild Projects
sales@dgc-africa.com or sales@dgrpint.com

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