Metallurgical accounting reports are delivered to a variety of stakeholders who use them for internal as well as for external management purposes; the need for reports’ accuracy of the reports can never be overstated.
This article serves as a brief overview of the metallurgical accounting improvement process.
Generally, the metallurgical accounting process includes sampling, analysing, and accounting for the metal throughput of metallurgical circuits, providing diagnostic information required for making effective metallurgical decisions. A systematic metallurgical plant audit, which consists of a rigorous examination of all the metallurgical accounting systems to ensure all unit operations are effective and appropriate.
Decrease in mine production variability and untracked commodity losses.
Better trouble-shooting capabilities for metallurgical process problems or deficiencies.
More accurate determination of process efficiency and recovery rates.
More informed flowsheet design and modification.
Improved information flow to management.
Increase in plant efficiency through better diagnostics.
Increased ability to accurately check the Mine Call Factors (MCF), when the amount of commodity anticipated by the mine grade control group differs significantly from that accounted for by the mill
The end product will be a system that provides all company stakeholders, including management, marketing, and production staff, with accurate data. An unbiased, third-party perspective based on industry best practices as a benchmark of excellence is preferable.