DGC Projects provides specialist Rotary Kiln & Rotating Vessel Services. Our services include the installation of a new plant, rebuilds, and the planning, scheduling, and consulting for shutdowns and major works on all types of rotary vessels including kilns, dryers, coolers, calciners, ball mills, and rod mills. Mechanical condition inspections and reports with recommendations for rectifying identified problems are also offered. Our precision onsite and offsite services coupled with our flexibility towards customers’ unique needs allow for significant reductions in equipment downtime.
The majority of problems associated with rotary kilns and vessels can be attributed to misalignment. As such, comprehensive hot kiln alignment significantly contributes towards rotary kilns’ and vessels’ ability to achieve maximum efficiency throughout their service life, whilst eliminating unforeseen breakdowns.
Our Hot Kiln Alignment Services in association with our Routine Inspection Services are tailored to increase plant availability, reduce maintenance related costs and provide more optimal plant efficiency. Some of the consequences of not timeously doing routine or planned alignment are summarised below:
Plant operating outside optimal conditions
Excessive and unnecessary forces on the vessel/kiln shell
Metal fatigue and cracking of tyre and shell
Deformation of vessel/kiln
Excessive stress on tyres and rollers
Undue wear on tyres and rollers
Unnecessary loads on the drive mechanism
Damage to end seals
Premature bearing failure
Frequent premature failure on the refractory lining
DGC has established a strategic alliance with GEOSERVEX (Poland), for the past 40 years the world leader in the development and implementation of the technology of kiln alignment in dynamic conditions (during normal operation). Geoservex are pioneers of the hot kiln alignment method and a worldwide leader of this service in the global market.
Kiln alignment has to be carried out during the normal operation of the kiln in order to obtain the most realistic information and data on the condition of the kiln without disturbing the clinker production. As a part of preventative maintenance, kiln alignment identifies the actual cause of problems and provides recommendations for appropriate solutions.
Our alignment approach is based on advanced measuring techniques and customized hardware and software. It is evaluated by experienced alignment specialists. Based on our experience and considering major root causes to all kiln failures, our alignment method aims to improve and ensure kiln availability by optimization of Kiln Axis, Kiln Shel Ovality, Kiln Crank and Kiln Axial Balance. The detailed scope of services is as follows:
Measurement of kiln axis position in the horizontal and vertical plane by using advanced survey methods.
Measurement and calculation of tyre and supporting rollers diameter by using a special electronic instrument.
Measurement of base frame foundation settlement.
Preparation of optimal version of support roller adjustment program and schedule.
Kiln shell ovality test at all supports (direct survey of elastic deformation of the kiln shell).
Measurement of tyre migration and calculation of under-tyre clearance.
Measurement of supporting rollers and shaft cyclical deflection.
Measurement of tyres wobbling.
Measurement of kiln shell profile at all shell sections.
Measurement of kiln shell permanent deformations.
Preparation of shell animation model (unique full 3D rotating shell).
Measurement of kiln shell temperatures distribution (indication of shell temperature crank).
Measurement of supporting rollers axis position, rollers skewing, and operating angle.
Measurement of supporting rollers inclination and base frame axial slope.
Measurement of supporting rollers profiles (mechanical wear of running surface).
Evaluation of kiln thrust and mechanical balance.
Measurement of girth gear wobbling.
Measurement of thrust rollers' position in reference to the kiln axis.
Checking kiln drive alignment (option – the kiln must be stopped for a few hours due to safety reasons).
General mechanical inspection of drive mesh, support roller bearings and shaft condition, lubrication efficiency, inlet and outlet sealing, thrust unit, adjustment equipment, covers, and housing.
Additional data are required from the plant to do an engineering study of the kiln. The following results have to be given by doing a comprehensive kiln inspection.
Current loads on piers.
Pressure on bearings.
Hertz pressures on roller-tyre contact.
Bending stress in the kiln shell.
Stress in the tyres.
Stiffness matrix, optimization of kiln vertical axis position considering load distribution.
Preparation and submission of the completed report including results of a survey short- and long-term recommendations for preventive maintenance actions.
After completion of kiln axis correction, we do cross-check of kiln axis measurement.
Diameter measurement and calculation of tyre and support roller by using the electronic instrument.
Surface wear profile measurement of support roller at 4-5 locations.
Measurement of support roller axis position and roller skewing.
Measurement of roller operating angle.
Kiln shell animation model and submitting in pdf format (unique full 3D rotating shell).
Calculation of under tyre clearance.
Measurement of axial deviation on drive station (Pinion to Gearbox).
Measurement of thrust roller position with respect to kiln axis.
All the measured readings and their results are very high accuracy and manual error can be eliminated by using advanced survey instruments with software.
Output data can be cross-checked and evaluated by calculations.
Prevention against uneven load on supports.
Higher equipment availability and longer kiln life.
Elimination of excess longitudinal stress in the shell, no more cracks of the shell.
Elimination of high thrust forces for rollers, tyres side guidance, and thrust rollers.
Elimination of hot bearings and hot thrust collars.
Prevention against refractory loss and excess of ovality.
Reduction of heavy torque for kiln drive coming from misalignment and unbalanced opposite thrust forces.
When Hot Kiln Alignment has been carried out, our specialists provide a final comprehensive technical evaluation and analysis report, as well as recommendations for adjustments, repairs, spare parts, and optimizations.
The report is an essential document to help production and maintenance departments plan future maintenance activities, such as ensuring that the right spare parts are available and, most importantly, avoiding unscheduled, costly shutdowns.
The following information will be available in our detailed report for the high availability of rotary kilns and rotating vessels:
Actions to be taken as soon as possible.
Actions to be taken during the next kiln shutdown.
Actions to be taken for future activities.
DGC is well placed with specialists who can deal with most of the key mining, cement, steel, and fertilizer plant’s rotary kilns and rotating vessels.
We can provide technical guidance and assistance for troubleshooting, overhaul, repair, maintenance, and operation of ATOX VRM, Grate Coolers, Kiln, and Ball Mills.
If you have a problem in your kiln, mill, high vibrations in mill/kill drive, problem in grate coolers, or would like to undertake mechanical repairs during your shutdown, you may consult us and employ our trouble-free supervision services.
We are specialists in the following jobs:
KILN Shell Replacement
Tyre Replacement
Supporting Roller/Bearing Replacement
Girth Gear and Pinion Reversal/Replacement
Thrust Roller Replacement
Inlet/Outlet Seal Replacement
Supporting Roller Adjustments for Thrust Correction (during operation)
Solving of Hot Bearing Issue (during operation)
Vibration at Kiln Drive Station (during operation)
Replacement of Trunion / Slide Shoe Bearings
Replacement of Mill Head with Trunion
Reversal/Replacement of Mill Girth Gear/Pinion
Replacement of Inlet/Outlet Cones
Replacement of Mill Diaphragm/Liners etc.
Grinding Rollers Overhauling (Bearing Replacement)
Replacement of Joint Head/Torque Arm
Replacement of Pull Rod Arrangements
Table/Roller Wear Segment Replacement
Cooler Main Beam Replacement
Cooler Stationary/Movable Beam Replacement
Grate Plates Replacement
Cooler Alignment
Performed during both normal operation and standstill of the equipment.
Minimize downtime.
Commissioning the equipment with full load operation.
Performed by high experienced DGC and Geoservex specialists.
Recommendations for future improvements.
When supervision and troubleshooting services are carried out by DGC, our specialist will provide all service protocols related to the jobs performed as well as the recommendations for spare parts.
The service protocols are an essential document to ensure the equipment was installed within the allowed limit or not, and root causes for the same if not achieved. Also, this document helps the maintenance department to track activities performed on particular equipment while doing troubleshooting services.
We offer Machining, Repair and or Modification services in respect to machinery used in a range of industries such as Earthmoving, Mining, Marine, Transport and Agricultural Machinery and Systems including:
Modern Line Boring machines are capable of welding and boring in the field and are available at short notice supplied with or without an operator.
Flange facing options include Ring Type Joint and Raised Face Flanges for a large range of sizes supplied with or without an operator.
Pipe cutting and bevelling machines are simple to operate and available in multiple sizes to suit your specific circumstances supplied with or without an operator.
Portable Shaft Lathes give the ability to repair damaged shafts on heavy equipment in the field to minimize both downtime and costs.
Either gantry [3 axes] or linear [2 axes] style milling machines available to suit your circumstances supplied with or without an operator. Suitable for resurfacing of Motor and Pump Bases, Machine Track Pads, and many other machine surfaces including vertical or inclined faces. We also offer onsite welding of pads to enable machining back to original specifications.
Tyre & roller grinding helps maintain surface contact minimizing wear and power usage.
DGC provides Resurfacing of Tyre & Supporting Rollers (RTAR) services for all our esteemed rotary kiln and rotary vessel customers. We have specifically designed machines to accommodate and be suitable for various OEMs of rotating vessels including different dimensions of tyre and rollers. All work is completed by experienced DGC Grinding specialists.
When DGC conducts in-situ grinding of tyre and support rollers, no kiln downtime is needed and our company employs internationally trained grinding engineers to undertake the work. Our grinding engineers constantly monitor axial thrust and bearing temperature throughout the grinding process, carrying out roller adjustments that were required to stabilize axial movement and temperature.
Our company utilizes state-of-the-art portable belt grinding SM 400 Kiln Tyre Grinding Machine and SMF 1000 Kiln Rollers Grinding Machine, from Vetroresina Engineering Development S.r.l. Italy, which is built for heavy-duty applications.
Rotary kilns, dryers, and similar types of rotary equipment stay in continual operation most of the year and as time goes by, various types of wear problems occur. RTAR and roller naturally form irregular surface profiles due to improper skewing of rollers and in addition to pitting due to dust, spalling, irregular markings, and rolled-over edges.
Vibrations at the supports
Inability to control axial balancing of kiln, misalignment
Premature bearing failure
Increased main drive power consumption
Damage to tyre retaining components, and
Damage to support bases, and drive components.
Our kiln specialist can control the behaviour of the kiln and rotary equipment during the Resurfacing process:
Resurfacing removes work hardening and minimizes the damage of fresh surfaces.
Resurfacing of tyre thrust face and thrust roller, to remove the waviness over the thrust face and also to remove the flat marks, step over the thrust roller top and
bottomland and tyre thrust face while kiln in operation.
Resurfacing changes the thrust characteristics of the support rollers and allow free
travel of the roller in the support bearings.
These changes are continuously monitored during the process and adjustments
are made to control the position of the kiln/rotary equipment.
Geoservex specialists accurately measure and report the diameter before and after
the resurfacing and necessary support rollers adjustment have to be carryout without disturbing the kiln production.
Reduce the power consumption of the drive station.
Improves the mechanical stability of rotary kiln and rotating equipment.
Improve the contact between tyre and rollers.
Eliminate vibration at the supports.
Reduces zero downtime.
Support roller adjustment for skew correction.
Improves the axial balancing of kiln.
Plant operation is uninterrupted.
Minimize the operating cost.
Prolong service life.
DGC delivers a production-focused approach to Capital Repair Projects where we can perform any type of maintenance, repair, or installation services in the shortest possible safe completion times and to OEM standards.
We have an experienced field service team to assist with your company's scheduled or emergency maintenance shutdown in order to limit production loss. We can perform any type of maintenance, repair, or installation services to process equipment including:
New Kiln and Mill Installations
Kiln Shell Section Replacement
Kiln Tyre/Supporting Roller Replacement
Kiln Girth Gear/Pinion Reversal/Replacement
Kiln Thrust Roller Replacement
Vertical & Ball Mill Overhaul
Ball Mill Inlet/Outlet Shell Replacement
Ball Mill Inlet/Outlet Head Replacement
Ball Mill Head with Flange Reaming
Ball Mill Girth Gear/Pinion Reversal/Replacement
Ball Mill Trunnion/Slide Shoe Bearing Replacement
Grate Cooler Alignment and Overhauling
Drive Machinery Replacement and/or Alignment
Trunnion Roller Replacement or Overhaul
Support Base Replacement or Machining
Kiln Inlet/Outlet Seal Replacement
Shell Crack Repairs & Replacement
Tyre Crack Repairs & Replacement
Slew Bearing Installation or Slew Bearing Installation
Crusher Overhauls
Apron Feeder Overhaul
Minimize the shutdown and complete the project within the given timeframe.
The highest quality of the project works with tolerance limits for the reliability and availability of the equipment.
Round the clock 24/7 supervision by experienced DGC and Geoservex specialists for spot decision making and ensuring the successful execution of the project ensuring on-time completion.
Executed by highly experienced DGC and Geoservex specialists and well-qualified and experienced technicians.
DGC has been proven to maintain very high safety standards for our engineers and workmen and also depute one safety supervisor exclusively to oversee the safety aspects of the project to ensure zero accidents.
Daily progress of the project will be updated to our customers to ensure that immediate action can be taken to mitigate the slow progress of the works if any.
Commissioning the equipment with full load operation.
Our company only utilizes certified tools and tackles which have been maintained to a high standard.
High availability of our equipment.
We depute qualified safety supervisors along with our specialist site personnel to ensure round-the-clock safe action, methods, and behaviour. Our teamwork nurtures a safe work environment for our employees and subcontractor’s workmen the same we ensure to strictly follow. We are committed to continuing to do our best by making safety a mandatory requirement for all our employees and subcontractors' workmen. Furthermore, all our tools and equipment are certified by recognized agencies and we provide mandatory safety training to all our engineers.
DGC in conjunction with GEOSERVEX are well experienced in the various design of OEM makes ball mills in order to evaluate the condition of the ball mill. An inspection to be executed by our Mill specialists with in-depth knowledge of complete mill components for ensuring optimal, trouble-free operation.
To get a detailed picture of the mill’s overall condition, including parts that need to be replaced, it is important to carry out an external and internal inspection when the mill is not in operation.
Checking the thickness of the Trunion journal.
Mill shell thickness.
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) of Trunion journal.
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) of all welding joints.
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) of all T joints.
Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) of Girth and Pinion.
Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) of Mill manhole door.
Magnetic Particle Inspection (MPI) of Trunion neck area.
Mill Trunion radial run out.
Mill lifting at inlet/outlet.
Mill slide ring radial run out.
Measurement of Girth Gear axial and radial run-out.
Measurement of root gap and backlash of gear and pinion.
Inspection of the Trunion lubrication unit.
Visual inspection of Mill components.
Minimize downtime.
Optimize the Mill availability.
Performed during operation or standstill of the Mill.
Uninterrupted production.
Executed by highly experienced Geoservex Mill specialist.
Final presentation and sharing of knowledge with plant personnel.
Recommendations for future improvements.
When inspections of mill components have been carried out, our specialists provide a final comprehensive technical evaluation and analysis report, as well as recommendations for repairs, spare parts, adjustments, and optimizations.
The report is an essential document to help production and maintenance departments plan future maintenance activities, such as ensuring that the right spare parts are available, and – most importantly – avoid unscheduled, costly shutdowns.
At some point, regardless of how well your kiln has been maintained throughout its life, expensive parts like girth gear, rollers, kiln shell sections, etc. will need to be replaced or repaired. We help you find the most cost-effective solution and scheduling to perform the work.
We can supply new machinery and equipment or spare parts to suit your existing machinery including;
New Kilns, Calciners, Dryers or Coolers
Replacement Kiln Tyres & Shell Sections
New Mills & Mill Parts
Kiln Seal Assemblies or Parts
Trunnion Rollers & Bearings
Girth Gears & Pinions & Associated Parts
Slew Bearings & Specialised Bearing
Gearboxes & Parts
Mining Machinery