Our experience coupled with the most advanced, state-of-the-art demolition equipment can ensure your company the best possible services when it comes to furnace demolition, conquering even the most challenging of projects.

Utilizing the latest technology and methodologies will allow for a reduction in manpower as well as project duration resulting in overall efficiency and effectiveness improving overall safety throughout the project. In doing so DGC is able to optimize your cost and plant performance while complying with stringent quality specifications and safety standards.
With our objective of being a customer-centric organization, DGC is constantly searching for innovative ways in improving our offerings to bring to you the best possible solution.

Safe project implementation
Rapid response times
Reduced downtime and higher plant availability
Integrated project implementation
Project quality and completion guarantees
Significant production-cost savings

Dickinson Group of Companies (DGC) was founded in 1910. For comprehensive information about Our Company – History, Vision & Values, Strategy, Global Alliances, Africa Footprint, Our Commitment to Safety, Anti-Corruption Policy, References, and Industrial Solutions, please visit our websites.